Mattos Lactation

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Lactation Consults Are The Perfect Gift

Read time | 3 min

If a person you love is planning to human milk feed, one of the most supportive (and generous) thing that you can do is pitch in for a lactation visit.

I am so excited to announce that I now offer a “consultation voucher" !

Not sure what to get for a baby shower gift? Lactation visits are the perfect gift, even if it doesn't seem obvious at this moment.

Here's why:

Usually, by the time a parent is discharged from the hospital or within the first few days after settling in at home, obvious breastfeeding challenges pop up (pain, highly elevated bilirubin (jaundice), lack of weight gain, not enough poops, etc).

By the end of the first week, not only can pain be so unbearable, supplementation may be suggested (and rightly indicated) if there are issues with transfer or as the parent build an adequate let down response to pumping.

In the typical situation, it's not till WELL AFTER the first week that those who still have the desire and motivation to provide human milk will contact a lactation professional, which requires finding time in between childcare to search out, coordinate and wait for availability. Only then does the process for RESOLVING the issues they've been dealing with start.

Imagine how different it would be if everyone had a visit with a lactation professional on day 3-4, after arriving home?

Within 4 days, a baby could have a thorough functional oral evaluation, a parent can be counseled on appropriate tools to facilitate milk transfer, pumping initiated under guidance if necessary, a plan created, appropriate referrals and all the notes sent to both the parents care provider and the baby's pediatrician.

Within 7 days, any treatment can be started.

Weight loss would be assessed and managed more closely leading to better outcomes in babies AND human milk feeding journeys would be supported better leading to longer human milk feeding duration.

The desire to breastfeed for many is so strong but left to navigate the journey unsupported, in pain, and without knowing why their baby is not gaining, it's easy for that desire to fade out.

Discouragement is one of the biggest contributors to decreased human milk feeding duration and even when there are no obvious issues, having a visit or two for peace of mind and a boost in morale may be the thing that they needed.

If you’re looking to purchase high quality, lactation support for your close friend or family member, you can book a visit in advance on behalf of you loved one.

I tell every family I encounter who has a desire to human milk feed that getting lactation support early and often is a major factor in breastfeeding success.

You can be the key to helping them reach their goals.