Mattos Lactation

Breastfeeding Basics



Latching and infant feeding is as much an art as it is a science, which may be reassuring to some. There are repeatable steps to follow that result in predictable latching behavior and mastering Latching fundamentals are essential to avoid painful nursing and ensure enough milk transfer for your baby to grow optimally.


Milk Production

Most parents don't need to have a deep understanding of the physiological processes of milk production, most new parents desire to learn and benefit from knowing milk production basics, and the factors that can influence it. Here is all the information you need.


Should I breastfeed?

The decision of whether or not to breastfeed is a big one for expectant parents. It feels like- at at times is- a big commitment, especially if you only have one vision of how breastfeeding looks. You might be surprised to learn there is more than one way to breastfeed!

Breastfeeding Positions

There is no one right- or perfect -breastfeeding position but you may have only seen other parents nurse in one or two breastfeeding positions. Here is a visual guide to the most common basic breastfeeding positions with an explanation of when each position might work best for you and your babe.

When will my milk come in?

The dreaded wait for your milk to “arrive”. The good news is that by the time your baby is born you already have milk, it just may look a little different than you have expected. In the days after delivery though, you’ll begin to see the milk you’ve come to know and love (white & overflowing) , along with your it’s good friend engorgement.

Hunger Cues

One of the most commonly asked questions from new parents is, "How do I know if my baby is hungry?". Once parents learn how to identify how their baby communicates hunger, it seems like their baby is telling them they're hungry all the time! Here is everything you need to know about responsive, cue based, feeding.

Stages of Lactation

Why would YOU, a new parent need to know the stages of breastmilk? This post aims to provide you with the bare minimum information you will need to know as you start your lactation and breastfeeding journey. 

Why foremilk or hindmilk is not a thing

Parents care deeply about milk quality and because we are generally cautious by nature when it comes to our babies, the concerns surrounding foremilk and hindmilk persist. Luckily, foremilk/hindmilk is not a thing, and if you’re feeding your baby on demand, it’s not something you even have to worry about… Yes, even if your milk looks super thin.

How long should I pump if I’m exclusively pumping?

As you plan your pumping journey you may wonder for how long each pump session should be. While there is no one size fits all pump plan that works for every exclusively pumping parent, this post provides you with the information you need to plan your pump sessions.


Warning: The content that will be here is going to be awesome.


Coming soon!

Where to get breastfeeding help

The irony is not lost on me. Content coming soon. In the meantime…