I will never forget the desperation & despair in the email Megan sent me just after 3:30 am that early Tuesday morning.
They say that you can’t read tone from text, but the distress in Megan’s words was palpable.
Another night of painful breastfeeding. Another night of Rebecca not draining the breast. Another night of having to pump after the feed just to ensure she continued to gain weight.
“Why is breastfeeding still this hard when I’ve done all the things you’re supposed to do?” she wrote.
And she was absolutely right- Megan had tried all the things you’re told to do when breastfeeding is not going well. It took seeing 4 IBCLCs before anyone mentioned to Megan that Rebecca might have a tongue tie which could be causing her feeding issues.
They suggested she get Rebecca’s tongue-tie released, so Megan visited her local Ped Dentist’s office and got her tie released the same day. When breastfeeding did not improve after the release, the ped dentist & IBCLC both suggested bodywork.
For nearly 3 weeks, she drove over an hour away for bodywork twice a week, yet she had more nights of painful breastfeeding, undrained breasts & top-up bottles.
After returning to the dentist, the dentist determined a second release would be the key to solving the challenges... It wasn’t.
Like Megan, you too, are confused & discouraged that nothing you’ve tried to fix your baby’s feeding issues is working.
And like Megan, you can finally begin to see results by enrolling in the Breastfeeding Untied™ program.
Imagine how your life would change if you Could breastfeed your baby without extra gadgets or having to pump after, knowing your baby is getting enough from your breasts…
You Could…
Nurse where ever you want to without milk leaking everywhere
Watch a TV show (or two… or three…) while relaxing & enjoying breastfeeding your baby
Experience breastfeeding as a stressfree activity that you actually like doing
You’d no longer have to…
Wash pump parts or bottles, day in & day out
Stress about diaper output or weight gain
Deal with nipple pain & trauma due to bad latches or painful breastfeeding
Introducing Breastfeeding Untied™: An Innovative Program That Helps Breastfeeding Parents & Tied Babies Achieve Easier Feeding.
Over the past 8 years, I’ve dedicated my life to helping breastfeeding parents reach easy, stress-free feeding. But one thing I came to learn is that the traditional model of lactation care- ESPECIALLY for those whose feeding difficulties stem from oral ties- often fails parents.
In order to help parents truly see long-term improvements, I realized I needed to come up with a new method that differed greatly from the traditional model.
Here is how The Breastfeeding Untied™ Program Differs From Traditional Lactation Care:
The Breastfeeding Untied™ program is a proprietary framework that has been proven to help tied babies like yours feed more easily, more efficiently (yay shorter feeding times), more effectively (yay weight gain), and more comfortably (yay for no sore nips!).
The program is based on 4 pillars:
Discovery: Identify all the potential causes of your baby's poor feeding skills & breastfeeding challenges.
The traditional model focuses solely on your baby’s mouth which is rarely the only cause of poor feeding. It’s the reason why even when a release takes place, many parents report little improvement. The Discovery Phase of the program ensures no causes of feeding challenges are missed.
Movement: Dynamic movement & tailored exercises to release tension & see rapid improvements
Most lactation consultants don’t appreciate how movement can help infant feeding, and as a result, provide no support & guidance to help parents resolve body tension or disorganized reflexes. The Breastfeeding Untied™ program, however makes movement a major component of the oral rehabilitation process.
Release: Pre & post-release(if needed) activities & support to reduce the likelihood of reattachment or feeding aversion
The Release Pillar of the Breastfeeding Untied™ Model aims to help support parents wherever they are on their journey. Not all parents choose to to have their parents released, and for those who do, most LCs don’t adequately prepare parents and baby before hand.
Integration: Step-by-Step guidance & follow up to make short term improvements stick for a lifetime
During this 8 week program, you will receive step-by-step guidance, tailored activities, and helpful feedback each & every week so that by the end of the program, you’ll clearly see an improvement in your baby’s feeding skills.
The result? A much higher success rate among the parents we work with. Simply put, those who go through the program are more likely to reach their breastfeeding goals than those who follow the traditional lactational care model.
The Breastfeeding Untied™ Program is for you if..
You want to see fast results without wasting time& Energy on things that won’t lead to improvements.
You’ve read the stories other parents post on social media: Many are still struggling with feeding despite spending hundreds ( or thousands) of dollars to make it work. Seeing improvements quickly is most important to you & you know you need expert guidance to achieve that.
Nothing you’ve tried so far has worked…Even the advice of other IBCLCs
You’ve read everything possible on latch & positioning & even tried doing suck training exercises you’ve seen on Youtube because you understand the importance of restoring oral function, yet nothing is working.
It’s not your fault. Seriously. You’re not doing anything wrong. The information online that is supposed to help is not geared towards babies like yours that need more specific support & the suck training activities online are just a sample of all the activities we could do.
You are ready for specialized support tailored to you and your baby.
You are willing to do whatever it takes to make breastfeeding better but you have a limited amount of time & energy
Life with a newborn is crazy busy & you still have to squeeze time in for you ( eating & showering is not a daily guarantee). If you’re looking for impactful change in as little as 15 minutes of work per day, the Breastfeeding Untied™ Program is PERFECT for you.
Here’s What You Get When You Enroll In Breastfeeding Untied™
5 1-on-1 Lactation Visits
An initial, comprehensive onboarding visit & 4 45-minute follow up / maintenance meetings.
Oral Rehabilitation Blueprint
An actionable step-by-step plan to help improve your baby’s feeding skills.
Pre & Post Release Activities
Oral exercises to help prepare your baby for tongue tie release, strengthen their oral muscles & improve their feeding coordination.
personalized Movement Plan
A plan containing at home activities to help release body tension & improve reflex coordination.
Pump & Nipple Shield Weaning Plan
Close monitoring & guidance for decreasing pump sessions and/or ditching the nipple shield
Milk Supply Support
Support & guidance to help you increase your milk supply & improve your baby’s intake.
Nipple Pain & Damage Care Plan
A care plan to help you quickly resolve nipple pain & damage.
Supplementation Weaning Guide
Close monitoring & guidance for decreasing supplementation.
Unlimited Live Chat Support
Unlimited live-chat messaging for the duration of the program. You’ll also receive weekly check ins.